Ricky Sumastre Maisog is one of our Care Coaches in Qualfon Cebu, Philippines. He has been serving the site for 9 years with a supporting role for employees’ transformation.
He was born in Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao. He was a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in Lourdes College. He entered the seminary, studied philosophy in Xavier University and theology in Maryhill School of Theology for a year. He was trained to do an apostolate with the poor in Mt. Province Cagayan de Oro, teaching catechism and organizing Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC).
He left the seminary after realizing he had to continue discerning, and worked in different companies. Later, he went to the United Arab Emirates to work. For 4 years, he was acquainted with business people from different walks of life. Here was a training ground for caring in a more practical way.
As a Care Coach, he likes to talk to employees based on concrete human experience, their feelings and socio-economic condition. His humor is remarkable that more friends get to know him as practical and simple-minded.
He has encounters with those having emotional challenges, those who are feeling confused and depressed. He succeeds in guiding them to find answers to their questions. His motto is: Life is a journey, it begins with self-discovery.